
Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image
Warwick Bruce Chapman asked

MPPT Datasheets: How is Power Calculated?

For example, given a 150/45 on a 48V system, the datasheet specifies nominal power as 2600W.

How is that figure determined?

Rated charge current is 45A.

System voltage is 48V but charging voltage given 45A and 2600W would be 57.78V.

Is that calculated then assuming a theoretical maximum charge voltage for a battery - I have Googled some batteries that suggest 57.6V charge voltage.

We're using Victron MPPTs with FreedomWon Lithium with a charge voltage of 55.8V. Does this mean, when using a 150/45 on this battery, we should assume max power of 2 511W (55.8V * 45A)?

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Yes, that is how it is calculated.

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