
leeward-maritime avatar image
leeward-maritime asked

MultiPlus 24 3000 Output Configuration

Greetings All,

First time poster here, Apologies in advance if my questions have previously been addressed.

Brief description of inquiry:

  • Vessel is 230 VAC/50Hz.
  • Need to establish 240/60Hz (have dedicated sub-panel grouping for 60Hz output).

My question has two parts:

  1. Spec sheet notes the option to configure output @ 240VAC/60Hz while allowing an input voltage range of 187-265 VAC & input frequency of 45 – 65 Hz. Am I able to use this configuration as a pass-through/seamless frequency conversion from 50Hz-60Hz?
  2. If YES, am I able to configure the two AC outputs at different frequencies (primary @ 60Hz, secondary @ 50Hz, or vice versa)?

Thanks in advance!

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
rickp avatar image
rickp answered ·

It is my impression from the manual that you can set the output of the inverter where you need it, but the mains voltage to AC In is matched at the AC Out. I‘ll be following this thread, as I haven‘t found a more definitive answer to this question myself! It would seem that what you’re asking would be possible, even preferable for international uses, but I haven’t found a setting to accomplish it.

2 |3000

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