
pdjacobs avatar image
pdjacobs asked


Hi all

Today was the second day i got home at around sunset and i heard my multi fans are on so i had a check and all my battery power was busy being dumped in the grid.

I am running ESS, keep batteries charge and feed in all excess solar power to export through my bi-directional grid meter.

i contacted the battery manufacturer ass they give very very good support any time of day or nigh,(thank you solar MD), and they said this has nothing to do with the battery.

as i did some more tests and so on i saw that at the point that the MPPT watts in VRM portal dropped to ''0"" the battery immediately began to export its power.

When it was busy dumping it's power i switched off ''feed in access solar power'' and this exporting of battery power stopped, and as i switched it on again it began to export the battery power again. Please note this was after sunset ass the were no wattage coming from the modules.

Can someone please help me because i really don't know where to begin searching for the problem. Everything worked fine till yesterday.

Multiplus-IIMPPT ControllersESS
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Riaan Barkhuizen avatar image Riaan Barkhuizen commented ·

Do you have a ESS grid setpoint?

Normally this should be set close to 50W depending on the energy meter feeding the property.

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andy156 avatar image andy156 commented ·
Did you ever find out what happened? My friends multiples ii is doing the same.
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1 Answer
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Hello @PDJacobs You state it worked fine until the day before you asked the question. What has changed? Does your system autoupdate firmware? Some screenshots of all settings will help as well as a system design diagram.

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