
mattie112 avatar image
mattie112 asked

Waveshare 5" LCD getting touch to work

I currently have this screen:

And the visual part works fine, but I'm having a bit trouble with the touch part. I don't get it to work.

I have the following in my config.txt

hdmi_cvt 800 480 60 6 0 0 0

But no touch. I have confirmed that I have the "ads7846-overlay.dtb" file in the overlays folder so that should be ok.

I also have the /dev/input/touchscreen0 device and when I 'cat' that file and touch the screen I do get output so it must be registering something. The wiki from my screen lists that you can calibrate it but I cannot install the package as dpkg is not present.

Any tips here? Would be great to get the touch working so I could switch from the menu to the overview :)

Raspberry Pi
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1 Answer
mattie112 avatar image
mattie112 answered ·

Found it!!! The config.txt listed above is correct (well I need to apply some overscan it seems but hey).

And then I followed

Basically installing the packages with opkg (so yeah no apt / yum / dpkg) was enough for me. It seems that I didn't need to add all those exports but perhaps some other people need to do that.

Oh and just a small reminder, in order to run the ts_calibrate you must have started your pi in HEADLESS mode (so if you already removed the file just execute 'touch /etc/venus/headless')

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