When I was trying to work around the 180 volt cut-off problem (https://community.victronenergy.com/questions/3306/cut-off-input-voltage-lower-than-180-volt.html) I entered a disconnect value of 180 and a reconnect value of 181 volt while I was onsite. This caused the system to switch many times, so I changed the reconnect value to 184 volt. But this was via Remote VEConfigure 3. Now something strange has happened, because the system disconnects not a 180 volt, but at 184 volt. Reconnect voltage seems to be 185 volt, so now the system still switches a lot. If I download the Remote VEConfigure file, it has the values of 180 for disconnect and 184 for reconnect. But judging by the behavior of the system the values are really not these numbers!
I don't know what to do now, because I can not physically access this site and I would like to solve the switching problem.
Any ideas on what to do now?