
leftcoastman35 avatar image
leftcoastman35 asked

BMV-712 Relay not working as desired

I am trying to get my BMV-712 relay to function as follows:

1) remain normally closed.

2) When the SOC drops below 20% (Victron Smart Lithium 150ah batteries), I would like the relay to open.

That would cause a generator / charger to start (beyond the scope of this question) and charging would initiate.

3) Once the batteries are charged so that the SOC is above 55%, I would like the relay to close again.

Here's what I've tried, with no success:

Use Victronconnect

Enter Settings/Relay

  • Relay Mode: Charger
  • Invert Relay
  • Low SOC relay
    • Set value 20%
    • Clear value 55%

I consulted the manual and it said that I needed to set "Clear Low Voltage Relay" and I tried to set that to 1.1v and that did not help.

What settings so I need to enable to allow the relay to be normally closed, open when SOC drops below 20% and closed again when SOC goes above 55%? Thanks!

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Try to use the normal relay mode, so you can only the SOC to set and clear the relay.

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zac avatar image
zac answered ·

I have this exact same issue with the Low SOC relay. The Low and High voltage relay settings work as expected but when I disable them and try to use the Low SOC settings I can't get it to switch the relay open or closed. Has anyone found a solution to this?

Thanks in advance,


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