
above-the-arctic-circle avatar image
above-the-arctic-circle asked

Off-grid configuration Multiplus II + Pylontech battery + generator

We are building full Off-grid system for cottage located in Lapland.

I'd like to ask you some advices on the equipment I selected:

Item Qty
MultiPlus II 5000VA 48V 1
48V Pylontech US3000 Battery 2
SS mppt 100/20-48 + 2x 270W panels =540w 1
SS mppt 10/20-48 + S2 x P2 x 270W panels = 1080w 1
one more solar a. 3000w next summer when cottage is completely ready 1
Cerbo GX + GX gsm 1
Diesel generator 3,4kw real power with full automatic 1

Cabin is locat in the north of Finnish Lapland. Middle of winter there’s two months without any sun and generator will make all the electric. Hole system will be kept +7’C or above.

Network control is essential. Is there everything we need on to list? Will everything work together?

The plan has been made for improvements. All suggestions are welcome.

2 |3000

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1 Answer
Mikael avatar image
Mikael answered ·


I have a similar setup but with an Multiplus II 3000 and 2 Pylonthech. To be supported you need 4 Pylontech for the Multiplus II 5000.

You also need a cable between the Pylontech and the Cerbo GX called ASS030720018.

But otherwise its should work together but you would of course need some VE Direct cables, disconnects, fuses and more :-)

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