
charlies3 avatar image
charlies3 asked

Victron 602 Display issue

I've had my Victron 602 installed in my motorhome, which has 6 solar panels, a morningstar mppt controller, and 4 LS-16 AGM batteries. The problem is that often the display goes dead on the Victron. Sometimes I can jiggle the wires at the shunt and it will come back on. Sometimes it comes back on by itself. Sometimes I can unplug and replug the wiring coming into the back of the display and that works. The wires are clean, with no corrosion, as are the connections at the shunt. I tend to suspect the wiring at the shunt, or the shunt itself. Its very frustrating. This was installed in 2012. Firmware? Other thoughts? Replace with a new 712 and replace the shunt?



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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

At first I'd suspect the cable between the shunt and the 602. Perhaps those RJ12 connectors need to be crimped again.
Otherwise I'd suspect dry joints on the little RJ connector on the shunt PCB.
Firmware is not user upgradeable on the 600 series.

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