
clive avatar image
clive asked

Multiplus 48/5000/70 disconnects generator


I have a 5.5kW diesel generator to charge my 48kWHr OpzV battery bank in times of extensive cloud cover. However, when the generator output power reaches circa 4kW the Multiplus keeps disconnecting the genset, then reconnects after a few seconds, then disconnects again even though battery bank charge level is at 60% and minimal sunpower from the Victron charge controller MPPT 250-100. Is there a setting to spill the excess power and keep charging the batteries? I would have thought this would occur automatically?

Thanks for your advice


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
jwfrary avatar image
jwfrary answered ·


Most small generators are quite unstable and this isn’t uncommon behaviour. usually you can expect a power factor of about 0.8 so the 5.5 kw gen turns to about 4.4 kw. So this behaviour isn’t surprising.

There is a generator FAQ if you search the victron site it’s easy to find.

First set your input current to 19 amps and try that. Maybe a touch lower to start with.

If your volt low threshold isn’t default try 180v most equipment is ok with the default

I find this pretty variable. I have had 30 kva sets go to 32 before getting unstable and 7 kva sets go to 5 before getting in to trouble. I’m afraid it’s a matter or tuning to what you have.

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