
henk-volkers avatar image
henk-volkers asked

Add SOlaredge PVinverter to VRM

Hi everybody,

I tried everything I could think of to add my solaredge PV inverter to the devicelist in the VRM portal, but without result. The Solaredge would be compatibel with Victron but I don't get it to work. What do I miss.

Today I installed a switch to be sure both the inverter and the Venus are in the same network.

Anyone who can help me??

Kind regards, Henk

VRMVenus GX - VGXsolaredge
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1 Answer
jbakuwel avatar image
jbakuwel answered ·

Goede dag Henk,

I trust you've read the manual ?

There are a few troubleshooting tips about networking in the manual for SMA PV inverters that also apply to any other PV inverter connected via the network.


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Related Resources

Venus GX manual

Venus GX product page

Integrating with SolarEdge

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