
ripnc avatar image
ripnc asked

Black connector on shunt appears to be loose

I stopped getting voltage and went to batteries to check with my multimeter. Batts were fine, but when I checked the monitor cable at the shunt the black connector appeared to be slightly pulled down. I pushed it up and all is working fine but would like to know the best way to resecure it.

Thanks, Rip

BMV Battery Monitor
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5 Answers
jbakuwel avatar image
jbakuwel answered ·

Hi @rip,

You need to make sure all your connections are done properly. If you don't know how to do that, I can highly recommend you ask a local sparky to help you out. Improper connections are a fire hazard, even more so on the DC side.


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bruces avatar image
bruces answered ·

I think the black monitor cable you are referring to is the one like a phone cable then the little spring loaded clip has broken off. Best to buy a new cable or crimp a new end on if you have the right gear.

Common for similar network cables for them to break off.

Network is 8 pins but BMV is only 6 pins like a phone.

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ripnc avatar image
ripnc answered ·

Sorry guys, I wasn't clear. No issue with the gray cable from the BMV to the shunt. The cable plugs into a black connector that is attached to the pcb on the shunt. The black connector appears to slide over pins soldered to the board. However, this connector was loose (a slight gap between the connector and the board) and when I pushed it back up all worked as expected. My question is how to keep it secured to the board so it doesn't fail again.

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jbakuwel avatar image
jbakuwel answered ·

Hi @rip,

Can you send a photo showing the problem?


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ripnc avatar image
ripnc answered ·

The black plastic connector (next to the 2 orange sensor connections) for the RJ12 cable is loose. The shunt is bulkhead mounted and those connections face downward on my boat. When I pushed the black piece up tight it works. Just looking for best method to secure it there so it doesn't fail again.

Thanks, Rip

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