
mondeoman avatar image
mondeoman asked

Blue Smart IP65 and IP22 can be connected in parallel with another charger?

Let's say a 12 V AGM battery bank is charged by a big, powerful but terribly inefficient "BULK" charger that runs for a limited time up to 14.4 V Absorption, but this charger wastes 50W when IDLE / Float, even when the battery current is less than 100 mA. The Bulk charger can be set to turn off at end of Absorption.

Could I use a Blue Smart IP65 (or IP22) set to Power Supply Mode at 13.5 V in parallel with the Bulk Charger, just to provide a more efficient Float stage?

Would the 14.4 V Absorption of the Bulk charger cause damage to the IP65 or IP22 set to 13.5V?


battery chargingchargercharge controller compatibilityip65ip22
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

That would be fine.
Imagine if just the IP22 was the only charger, it reaches the end of of its own Absorb phase. The battery is at 14.4 V and it switches to 13.5V while the actual battery Voltage is still 14.4V. It's be very poorly designed if it damaged its self at that stage.
Multiple charging sources would not present a problem.

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