
blackdiamond avatar image
blackdiamond asked

Buzzing and clicking

I've got a Hanse 575 sailboat with a Mastervolt inverter/charger and a Victron Autotransformer for 110V wiring and appliances on the boat. It was working fine until just this weekend when it started to buzz and click and the 110V on the boat started to go on-offf-on-off-on-off...etc.. The Mastervolt Inverter/Charger shows all good indicator lights but my Autotransformer has no indicator lights on it. Just the breaker to power-up or down.

It may be temp related as it works for a few minutes after you shut the breaker off and then power it up again.

Any thoughts? I wanted to leave on vacation in a week or so and need this fixed..


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1 Answer
jwfrary avatar image
jwfrary answered ·

Not to point out the obvious but mastervolt stuff isn’t made by victron!

However. Best to verify all your connections are good as tight. Otherwise you may be looking at an internal fault. If you have the masterbus converter to usb on your boat you may be able to plug in and it may give you more info.

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blackdiamond avatar image blackdiamond commented ·

Oops.. the Autotransformer and just about everything else is Victron. I mentioned the inverter/charger being Mastervolt as it might have been relevant. There is nothing in the manual or on the unit (indicator lights) to diagnose the problem.

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