
stefan-1 avatar image
stefan-1 asked

unconnect load from MPPT by reading the remaining capacity from BMV-712?

All loads are connected only to the MPPT. The MPPT is reading voltage, current and temperature from BMV. I would like to set an alarm in the BMV that triggers the MPPT to cut off the load.

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
ripper avatar image
ripper answered ·

Brute force : The BMV has a little relay that can drive a bigger relais which would need to be added in the load out line. There is also a Victron battery protect device which can be used as a relay. Mind the direction on these though.

On Victron connect you have options for rx and tx on your Mppt changing load out. Have a look at the demo. How to work this? No idea, probably one wire coming from mppt to bmv relay then back to rx port. Can be inverted on both ends to make it work. There is a variety of cables available apparently with that stupid little white connector if that port is not otherwise used

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