
massimolost avatar image
massimolost asked

which mppt should i use for 4 panels x 160watts (2 parallel then 2 series)

i am looking to buy a controller for 4 panels 2parallel then 2 series

each panel is
Pmax 160w
Voc 22.41V
Isc 9.87A

connected to 2x 110ah 12v

MPPT Controllers
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5 Answers
launacorp avatar image
launacorp answered ·

Battery's in series (24V) or parallel (12V)?

2 |3000

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massimolost avatar image
massimolost answered ·

Batteries in parallel

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launacorp avatar image
launacorp answered ·

Look there. Just fill all fields you can fill (some fields are not required) and you get a answer ;)

2 |3000

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massimolost avatar image
massimolost answered ·

It seams to be overvalued..

2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

massimolost avatar image
massimolost answered ·

150-45 it seams to be overrated..


2 |3000

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