
swampy avatar image
swampy asked

BMV712 - correct settings

I have a 1520Ah battery bank ( 12 volt ) being charged off grid by solar panels. I have just installed the Victron BMV712 battery monitor and a little confused as to what the settings should be set at. The solar controller charges with absorption volatge of 14.4v and float voltage of 13.8v.

So for my setup, should my charged voltage be set to 14.1v, tail current at 2% for 3 minutes or is that not correct ? Thanks for any advice.

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@Swampy Typically you only have to tell the bmv the battery bank capacity and let it sync with a full charge. The mppt should be as per the battery manufacturer specification.

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