
dirkgt avatar image
dirkgt asked

BMV712 show Amps although nothing connected

Just installed a brand new BMV712 with original 500A shunt.

BMV shows app +8A, 110W altough nothing connected. mobile home is not connected to AC, no solar installed.

Tried to reset #9, zero current calibration. Same as before.

Disconnected starter battery and measured the current at my aux- battery: 0,05A (must be the power consumtion of the BMV itself).

Also nothing else connected to the printed circuit at the shunt.

Very strange, that +8A is shown, battery can not be loaded without AC or solar.....

Anyone an idea, what wrong?

Thanks, Dirk

BMV Battery Monitor
bmv712.png (349.0 KiB)
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3 Answers
dazey77 avatar image
dazey77 answered ·

I would try disconnecting one of the connections on the shunt and put your ammeter in place of the shunt. Would serve as a double check that there really is zero current flowing through it.

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dazey77 avatar image
dazey77 answered ·

"Also nothing else connected to the printed circuit at the shunt."

Apart from the power connection? And the RJ connection to the BMV?

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dirkgt avatar image
dirkgt answered ·

Very strange...

I just removed the shunt an measured the current: 0.03A.

The reinstalled it, some as before:BMV showing app. 8A / 100W

Then removed the connector cable between shunt and BMV an replugged it:

EVERYTHING fine, showing 0A after zero current calibration and now also the right values while charging and during consumtion.

Thanks, guys!

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