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bret-g asked

battery protect for wind turbine dump load

I have a small off-grid solar setup and I am looking to add a 600watt wind turbine( 3 phase AC). I had run the included charge controller for about 6 months with solar only , and had a catastrophic failure with it and now have zero confidence in that style.

I am planning on installing a bridge rectifier and running it straight to the batteries, loosing efficiency, but increasing reliability.

I am looking to use the Battery protect for a dump load controller, setting the cut out voltage at around 14.3V . when batteries are fully charged ( 14.4V), battery protect will switch on and divert the excess energy into my dump load. batteries drop to 14.2V, BP turns off and cycle repeats as necessary. I have a big enough Lead Acid battery bank, to where I am not concerned about any lag in time setting that are fixed in programing. Not sure if the BP would be rated for the number of operation cycles , which it wouldn't likely see in its intended use.

Any thoughts or recommendations?

Battery Protect
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