
njordan avatar image
njordan asked

Connection Polytech US2000/US3000 - VenusGX (RJ45 - Ehternet Kabel?)

i have two differing statements of my dealers. One ment that between US2000/3000 there simply comes a normal Ethernetcable/LAN, the other one ment its specially pinned, some are crossed over.

Can someone tell me what is correct, normal LAN cable or special cable? If so, can i cross an normal LAN cable to make it myself?



Venus GX - VGX
2 |3000

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2 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·
2 |3000

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njordan avatar image
njordan answered ·

Thanks a lot for your feedback. There are so many manuals - hard to navigate in the beginning....but its getting better and better.

Question to the community. Does it make sense/can i change the wiring of a standard LAN cable in order to build this B-Type cable.....

I guess i can remove all cabling except 3 wires.....

Function Victron VE.Can side Battery side GND Pin 3 Pin 2 CAN-L Pin 8 Pin 5 CAN-H Pin 7 Pin 4

2 |3000

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Hi @njordan

We strongly suggest to buy the factory cable, as 'home made' cables are a frequent source of hard to solve problems.

Not to say it cannot work, but I'd not risk it.

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njordan avatar image njordan Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

OK thanks, i the meantime i read this statement also in the manuals. just curious what is the problem, maybe people not knowing where to start counting.....
Again, i really only have to take into account 3 wires to make 100% sure and check via tester if its correct.

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