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irhere47 asked

Trouble after firmware update fail

So time to ask for help. I did the latest update on the firmware for my VictronConnect Smart Solar MPPT 100/30 it took the first update then it said it needed another and halfway thru it an alert said unable to update due to unknown error. It now says it’s connected to another device ??? Not sure how to reset that in the charger as I’ve done everything to delete it on my phone

Now when I do a search for it on my iPhone thru the VictronConnect app it shows up but it’s shaded and has a connection error (see picture)

I’ve reset my iPhone, I’ve signed out of the app I’ve even deleted the app and still no joy any help would be much appreciated. PS this controller has only had a single point connection in the past and that is to my iPhone.

Thank you in advance

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Try disconnect PV first -> disconnect battery -> wait a few minutes -> connect battery -> connect PV -> try to connect with VictronConnect

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