
karlheinzhaller avatar image
karlheinzhaller asked

two sma on grid pv inverters ac coupled on ac1 on quattro for off grid system

I have one SMA SB5.0 and one SMA SB1.1 which I like to use for an off grid system in ac coupling configuration. Both will be in parallel on AC1. I'll use a quattro 24/8000 as the I/C. As the 1:1 rule is met are there any other consideration to observe?

system design
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1 Answer
anthony avatar image
anthony answered ·

''Both will be in parallel on AC1. I'll use a quattro 24/8000 as the I/C. ''

AC1 out I assume you mean. Considerations are too set both SMA Sunny Boys to off grid mode, referred to as Off grid 50Hz or Island Mode 50Hz on the devices parameter list. The other action you need to take is to add the 'PV Inverter support assistant' to the Quattro programming. Also goes without saying to protect the AC circuit of each SB with its own appropriately sized circuit breaker. Anthony

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