
efogli avatar image
efogli asked

Blue Smart IP22

Good morning,

In my camper I have 3 batteries, one as starter and other two as services. The two service batteries are connected in parallel each other.

I would like to replace the actual battery charger with Blue Smart 12|20 3 with three charging outputs.

I have the doubt about connections of battery charger and the other stuffs. Between starter battery and services I have to place a Cytrix 120A, and this is clear, but is not clear for me how to connect the charger to other two batteries, in parallel and connected to the loads. My idea is to separate the services with two relays controlled by 230V Ac input in order to disconnect battery from every thing during charging phase.


BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
matijappp avatar image
matijappp answered ·

I have the same question!

Can the two service (house, trolling motor,..) batteries that are connected in parallel, remain connected while being charged with two separate banks of the Blue Smart 12|20 3? The third bank is for the starter battery, which is separated by Cyrix-ct 12/24V-120A from both service batteries. Now, since Cyrix will open anyhows after the starter battery reaches some voltage while being charged, I assume that it is not really needed to place a switch between both service batteries either.



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