I am in the middle of expanding my system which started as dual smartsolar 100/50's to include a BMV712, GX product (pi in my case), and soon to be installed MultiPlus 12/3000. I am confused about coordinating the solar controllers and synchronizing charge. The manual for smart networking says to not use smart networking with a GX product, however when I look at the MPPT's under the GX display, they show as no for networking and do not appear to be controlled by the GX at all.... What is the recommended setup?
From the manual.."VE.Smart Networking is designed for small systems which do not have a GX device - such as a Color Control GX or Venus GX. In systems which have a GX device, do not use VE.Smart Networking - See FAQ 6. If for some reason, the same information is being received by the charger over BLE and VE.Can/VE.Direct, the information coming over BLE (through VE.Smart Networking) will be ignored. "
also, FAQ 6 no longer exists. Q5 is the last question....
I have read all the manuals, and can't find this specific bit of info on configuration.
Thanks in advance.