
knott avatar image
knott asked

Generator start/stop Venus GX "normally closed"

Hi, a have a Onan/Cummins.

In my head it wil be wrong with "normally closed".

Have a carlig switch with puls: Start-Com and Stop Com. There is also "Preheat".

Here i diagram for Onan:

Connected like this:

Is it possible to make "normally closed" to "normally open".

Can someone help me?

GeneratorVenus GX - VGX
diagram.jpg (71.9 KiB)
onan-relay1.jpg (9.1 KiB)
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2 Answers
ewalderasmus avatar image
ewalderasmus answered ·

Hi @knott, you can invert it in the Device list, Generator, Setup, you select Inverted

Hope this helps

Regards Ewald

1589736109807.png (25.4 KiB)
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knott avatar image knott commented ·

We have not done any connection to "Digital Input", only connectet to Rele1.

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knott avatar image
knott answered ·

Is there anybody ho can help?

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harold avatar image harold commented ·

You will need to make a device wich will interface between the Generator and the GX.

This could be done with a few relais and timers.

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