
togina avatar image
togina asked

AC 2 output shut down with generator running

I reconnected my Generator from AC in 2 to AC in 1 so I could Limit the Generator current to 20 Amp max. (Generator has 5 kw or 22 Amps at 220 V).

Now the AC out 2 Output on which the air conditions are connected shuts off with Minimum load (aprox. 3 Amps). After waiting 2 minutes it reconnects and the same occurs. What could be the Problem? i did not change anything but exchanging the Generator/land Connection ?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
togina avatar image
togina answered ·

I forgot to say I have a Quattro 5000 Inverter/charger running at 12 Volt

2 |3000

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