
houser avatar image
houser asked

NPM and node.js on Venus GX? good idea?


I maintain an off-grid victronssystem in the wilderness. Energy is very low at times..

Want to run some lightweight node.js stuff there and keep power consumption at a minimum. Probably end up on a RPi but would be even better if it can be run on the Venus GX itself. I assume this is a bad idea but asking the ask seemed worth it.
Probably at least this:

Any comments?

Venus GX - VGX
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3 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Excellent idea! And we're working hard on it. Test images available here, scroll to the bottom:

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houser avatar image
houser answered ·

Thanks @mvader,

You guys are constantly doing cool stuff in the general direction at least I want!

So is this a good time to jump in and start testing?
I assume I should start with your test images and go from there then?

It seems they will have a version of node.js and npm in the data directory so safe for firmware upgrades?

So possibly ok to also try installing more npm plugins as in the link I gave?
I have links to Venus and Apple homekit up and running on my dev laptop but would love to move that over to the Venus GX..

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

hi @houser I've asked a colleague to answer these & followup questions. In the mean time, be aware that I changed your title to good idea, rather than bad idea ;o).

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houser avatar image houser mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks @mvader ;) I also asked a question about which node.js packages to go for in the link in the mod section you gave. I assume that's where this should go. Really look forward to giving this a go!

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Scott Bender avatar image
Scott Bender answered ·

Hi @houser. We don't put nodejs or npm in the data directory. If you installed that homebridge stuff, you would have to re-installed after a firmware upgrade. You're configuration for homebridge would persist after and upgrade since it goes in ~/.homebridge which is in /data.

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