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julianmingham asked

Issue with solar controller


I have a BMV-702 (with BT dongle) and a SmartSolar 100/20 Controller connected to a single 250W solar panel, turn connected to 450 A/h of house bank on my boat.

I have an intermittent issue where the solar controller appears to be supplying 5 to 7 Amps more than it actually is. Using VictronConnect to show current in/out of the battery from the BMV-702 and comparing that to the battery current from the solar controller, most of the time it makes sense ( recognising the BMV current goes up and down with load).

When the issue occurs the BMV would indicate 5 Amps and the solar controller would indicate 10 Amps (with no load on the batteries)

I get this intermittent issue approx. once per day and it does not appear to be related to any particular event or part of the charge cycle.

When this issue occurs if I disable the solar controller (using VictronConnect) and then re-enable normal service is resumed, i.e. Using the example above both the BMV and the solar controller would indicate 5 Amps after ‘switch off and on again’.

In investigating I have noticed something odd that may or may not be related to the above I am using VE.Smart networking to send data from the BMV to the solar controller. Using the VE.Smart icon in the corner of the status screen on VictronConnect on the BMV it states that is transmitting battery voltage and battery current yet doing the same on the solar controller it receiving battery voltage and battery temperature. There doesn’t seem to be any way to configure this ?.

any suggestions ?


MPPT Controllers
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