
masterov avatar image
masterov asked

VictronConnect on Mac with VE.Direct

How does VictronConnect look for devices when started on a Mac? I assume it searches for bluetooth devices, but what about VE.Direct cable connected devices? The Settings don't have any configuration, so it must be checking some wildcard-type list.

What I am trying to do is this: I have BlueSolar MPPT 100/30 rev2 connected to a linux machine via cable. I am able to read from it fine. I am trying to use socat to bring the serial port from linux to Mac, so that I can run VictronConnect on it. If I cat the virtual port, created on mac using socat, I see exactly the same output as on a linuxbox. All the protocol messages are displayed correctly. However VictronConnect app does not see any devices. How can I tell it to look at the. virtual serial port that I created?

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1 Answer
Innar Järva avatar image
Innar Järva answered ·

Before I went to Raspberry Pi 4 with all data management, I had MPPT connected over bluetooth and inverter connected over Ve.Direct USB to Mac. MPPT upgraded its firmware easily, but for inverter I had to use VE.Flash to upgrade the firmware, which runs only on windows. Before the upgrade Mac did not see it. After upgrade it ran good, as shown below. Under windows tools the device is just more configurable.

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