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udo asked

BMV712 not showing right state of charge?

I have 2 parallel connected batteries each 85 Ah = in total 170 Ah. In Battery settings I have for charged voltage 14,3 V because I also use solar panels together with lead-calcium batteries (0,3V below absorption lead calcium) Tail current at 4%, charged detection time 3 min and peukert exponent 1,25. Today the app reported: Consumed Ah = -17Ah = 10% of total battery capacity, therefore the state of charge should be 90%, but is reporting 94% . What am I missing here? I assume that the reported Consumed Ah is the difference between what went out to the load ( different appliances) and what came in (solar energy) at least that is what I can see with the current reporting.

BMV Battery Monitorcharger
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2 Answers
H.W.Oelofse avatar image
H.W.Oelofse answered ·

Would it be at all possible to have a bit more detail on your setup? We have a bmv in our setup at home and have experienced SOC drift from not having the settings exactly right. Sometimes charging the bank back up and synchronizing the 100% SOC again manually can help.

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udo answered ·

Charging done by Victron IP22 (3) 15A/30A and solar charger (not Victron) and BMV712 to monitor. That's it. Important here is the solar charger, so I need to set the charged Voltage at 14,3V instead of 13,5V

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Related Resources

Victron BMV battery monitors product page


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