
earl avatar image
earl asked

Question re. settings for Smart Solar 100/50 and Victron Connect

Hi, I have 2 x 300W panels feeding two Sun Xtender 12v 258AH AGM batteries in parallel via a SmartSolar 100/50 controller (Victron battery sensor mounted and connected to the network). I'd like to set the correct parameters using Victron connect but being new to this I'm unsure of the settings.

Sun Xtender manual stipulates for charging

Bulk/Absorb set to 14.2 - 14.4

Float set to 13.2 - 13.4

The recommended linear coefficient for Temperature Compensation Sun Xtender batteries is 0.024V/degree C for a 12V battery.

I have set the Bulk absorb to 14.3

Float to 13.3

I am presuming the temperature compensation should be set to 24mV/C. Unless the temperature sensor makes this setting a moot point?

There doesn't appear to be any setting to set levels of discharge?

Additionally not completely sure of the best maximum charging Watts setting I am presuming 50W for this controller?

Phew! sorry for the length and detail, thanks for any info.PS, really enjoying the set up so far.

mppt charging
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2 Answers
Jack Peters avatar image
Jack Peters answered ·

The temperature coefficient is used to adjust the voltage based on the temperature measured by the temperature sensor.

The maximum charging current is used to limit the charging, in case the battery bank being charged is not large enough to accept the maximum available charge. In your case, the battery bank would be OK with the full 50A the MPPT is capable of producing.

If you want to prevent your battery from discharging below a certain point, consider a battery protect.

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earl avatar image
earl answered ·

Jack, thanks for getting back. The automatic smart solar setting for the temp compensation was -16. something which seemed quite different to the Sun Xtender battery compensation setting at 0.024V/C or 24.00mV/C which made me question the setting. but Thanks again and for the battery protect tip.

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