
bt50 avatar image
bt50 asked

Battery charger ip67 states its a 4 stage charger is this correct.

Just got a battery charger victron ip67 and in manual it states its a 4 stage charger I was under the impression I was buying a 5 stage charger

battery charging
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2 Answers
Margreet Leeftink (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Margreet Leeftink (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

The IP67 charger has 5 charge stages, namely: bulk, absorption, float and storage and refresh.

It starts with a charge test, then it cycles through bulk, absorption, float and storage and if the charger has been in storage mode for a week it will perform a refresh cycle after a week and then go back to storage mode.

If you include the initial test stage you could even say that it has 6 charge stages.

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constantine avatar image
constantine answered ·

I find this answer interesting because I had not found any mention of the "test" stage in the IP67 manual. Yes a test stage would make six, and I was trying to figure out why the current IP67 Datasheet says "The seven-step charging algorithm gets the best out of your battery."

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