
karli avatar image
karli asked

Getting Power from the grid only if Multiplus 2 has to deliver more than 2000 Watt


I have an island with 1,92 KWp, MPPT 150/35, Multiplus 2 48/3000, Venus GX and 3 Pylontech US2000.

In some cases, when the MP2 has to generate more then 2,5 KW, the MP2 is blinking red, which means overload.

Now i want to configure my system so, that it gets power from the grid only if MP2 has to generate more than 2 KW. But how ?

Thanks for your answers


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1 Answer
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Hi @Karli. This can be achieved using ESS. There are various ways to do it so have a good read of the below document.

Hope it helps

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