
bmja avatar image
bmja asked

Blue Smart 12/30 pulse charge


I have a Blue Smart 12/30 charger connected to 2 x 115 Exide Dual batteries. The charger charges the batteries normally, but when the batteries are fully charged the charger starts to pulse the voltage and power to the batteries, it is like a 2 second charge cycle, between 13.83 and 14.03, and the current between 1 and 3.5 amps, I have a BMV-702 batteri monitor connected where I can see this.... I can also hear on the charger it pulses..... what can this be? is the charger defect or is it a normal behaviour?

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1 Answer
xyzt avatar image
xyzt answered ·

I have similar problem described here:

Have you found the answer to this problem elsewhere?

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