Hi to everyone. We have problems configuring the MultiPlus using the VE Config.
We want the MultiPlus use the solar power from the batteries and when SOC drops below certain percentage (50%), draw power from the AC-in. Then, when batterias are charged, disconnect the AC-in and get back to solar power as a primary source.
We have been configuring it using the VE Config and three assitant (2 programmable relay and a use of the general flag), but either way the MultiPlus still are using the power from AC-in ("mains on" light on). We have gone to configure it to load the configuration, the MultiPlus get restarted but it keeps the mains on, then we try again reloading the configuration and the MultiPlus change to inverter mode, but the client call us phew days later because the MultiPlus change back to "mains on".
We don't know if the assitants what we are using are right. If you need to know, the installed system use a BlueSolar controller to charge the batteries with 9 photovoltaic panels. There is no communication device like a Color Control or VBM between the MultiPlus and the BlueSolar.
We had been attached the settings of each assistant. The internal battery monitor is actived in the MultiPlus and we have been careful sending the configurations to the MultiPlus.
Any help wil be appreciate!