(Off-grid setup, 2 x Multiplus 5kva 230v)
Just a neat FYI that I found useful this winter when our main generator broke down:
If you have TWO or more Multiplus's:
You can setup 1 Multiplus in Charge Only mode and have the generator connected to that Multiplus. This results in a far easier generator sync to Multiplus, and charges the batteries reliably.
I quite like this setup as our equipment powered is now receiving the really pure AC sinewave that the Victron equipment creates, while also charging our batteries reliably!
This really helped our situation since:
1) Generator sync and desync were happening multiple times an hour and I couldn't turn on UPS Function since Victron didn't like the quality of the generator power.
2) Computers would, quite forseeably sometimes reboot while working with the annoying generator power.
Of course this is not an optimal situation, and I have since reverted back to running the Multiplus's in Parallel. Standard safety measures such as disconnecting the AC OUT and change wiring/setup is required to make this "hack" work".
I might actually consider buying a dedicated Skylla TG Charger 48V for a backup....
My question is: Is there a way to designate Generator Input to be Charge Only? Is there a better way to set this up in the future?