
eduan avatar image
eduan asked

How does a Quattro decide whether the auxiliary output should be disabled?

Hi there!

Apologies beforehand if this question has been answered before but I couldn't find anything particular.

Our system is sporadically disconnecting our auxiliary AC-out-2 output and we can't really figure out why.

As I understood the AC-out-2 line will only be disconnected should the system be running on battery only (ie, when the grid is found to be unavailable).

However, as far as we can see the system is still sporadically dropping the auxiliary load even though the grid seems to be in tact. In fact, the Quattros are even charging the battery from grid with no apparent problems.

Are there any other reasons why the Quattros would be dropping the auxiliary load apart from grid input issues?

As reference, our system is comprised of:

  • Gateway - Color Control GX
  • VE.Bus - 3x Quattro 48/15000/200-2x100
  • Battery monitor - Generic Can-bus BMS battery (Freedomwon 40/28)
  • Solar charger - SmartSolar Charger MPPT 250/100 rev2
  • Solar charger - SmartSolar Charger MPPT 250/100 rev2
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

What are your settings for the transfer switch/grid code?

If the grid voltage goes over/under this settings the Quattro will disconnect the grid -> disables the AC OUT2.

veconfiggrid.png (42.2 KiB)
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eduan avatar image eduan commented ·

My settings as far as I understand are exactly the same as in your screenshot, except the country / grid code.

Regarding the AC-out-2 line though, will it be disabled first and then re-enabled when switching between being fed from batteries and being fed from the grid? Is the switching latency between these two maybe the explanation for us seeing it going up and down?

Also, am I correct in saying that pass-through mode is simply when the AC-out-2 line is fed directly from the grid and not the battries? Under which conditions will the Quattros decide to switch between pass-through and powering the AC-out-2 from the battery? Minimum SOC level?

Apologies if the questions might seem silly, but I really appreciate the help a lot. Thanks!

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piraya avatar image
piraya answered ·

According to my Quattro manual, OUT-2 is never fed from the battery. OUT-2 is disabled during normal inverter/battery operation.

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Petr Klus avatar image Petr Klus commented ·

It is disabled only when there is no grid, correct? If running in ESS mode, with the grid and SoC above the threshold, am I correct in assume that Out-2 would still run of energy the inverter produces?

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