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brbrv asked

Dual MPPT Controllers Fully Synchronizing Charge

We are adding a second MPPT controller to our existing MPPT controller (same model) to charge our LiFePO4 battery bank. Will the two fully synchronize the charge? If not, what loss of charge will we incur by having two as opposed to a single controller?

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


You won't lose charge capacity, and one may work harder than the other once at target V, but the end result is the same. May not matter/apply to you with Li batts, but if using an 'adaptive' charge algorithm, things like Absorb times mightn't be absolutely matched.

I *think* CAN equipped and standalone Smartsolar units can be synced, but for most people it's a non-issue. Just watch that the end result is what you want.

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brbrv avatar image
brbrv answered ·

Thank you John. I appreciate the quick response. :)

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