
Jesus Mazo avatar image
Jesus Mazo asked

Smartsolar VE Direct vs VE CAN

Hi. Just wondering whether or not there is any difference in terms of functionality and remote control between Smartsolar VE Direct and VE Can products. Is there anyone that have some experience with both that can explain?

Thanks in advance for your help

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

If you plan to use more MPPT’s (and BMV’s) than the number of VE.Direct ports on your GX device, then use the VE.Can MPPT’s and Cerbo GX instead.

Or if the MPPT is going to be more than 10 meters from the GX device, use the VE.Can model.

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rithym1964 avatar image rithym1964 commented ·

and good luck trying to get the VE CAN & VE Direct talking with each other to sync charge routines. Better to leave the controllers with same charge profiles on stanalone mode.

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

VE.Direct protocol FAQ

Remote Console on VRM - Troubleshooting