
imene avatar image
imene asked

Asap/ Multiplus 3000 va 48v 35amp overload


We have 3 multiplus inverters of 3000va/48v connected in series to supply 3 phase consumption, after launching the system we face this situation:

We have alarms of overload on the 1st inverter (shows only 1600w but lunch an overload and high temperature) while the 2nd inverter was 1500 without alarm and tye 3rd only 400

We tried changing the consumption by using a resistive consumption, the system showed 1st inverter 2200, 2nd inverter 1500 and the 3rd 400 as before, then the system turned off directly

Why we have this overload problem?



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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Imene

It's probably best to have your installer checkout the system, and find out if there is something wrong with an inverter or with the loads.

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imene avatar image imene commented ·

Hi Daniel, we're actually working on It, we found out that the consumption of the building is represented by only a single cable, we think that there is a problem as a short circuit in the consumption installation itself, the problem of overloading is changing from inverter to an other whenever we change smth in the consumption, do you have any advices ?


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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ imene commented ·

Hi @Imene

Yes, please get an electrician involved to check the installation, he / she can measure the wiring of the installation and look for faults in consumers / wiring.

It's basic fault-finding logic, like turn all groups off, and one by one turn on the breakers to find the source of the problem.

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imene avatar image imene Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

I will tell you the result of the test

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imene avatar image imene imene commented ·

But Daniel, one more question, what is the amount of power where our inverter of 3000va. 48v will have an overload if the consumption succeed it? I mean what is the threshold of the overload situation?

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