
dgmar-ni avatar image
dgmar-ni asked

Assistant to manage inverter mode on a time windows?


I have a system and I have added an ESS with Veconfig. It's working fine but additionally I would like to force the system to run on inverter mode from 18:00 to 06:00 so I can use batteries and next day to recharge them with solar charger.

How can I do it using an assistant?


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

It's possible using the Ignore AC assistant and the "periodic run" generator start/stop feature of a GX device and it's relay to trigger the assistant via a Multi AUX. The Multi itself does not have a clock, but the GX device does, and they can talk via the relay and aux ports.

However before going into all those details, I don't understand why the ESS isn't doing what you want as a normal situation with just ESS.

In the ESS Menu of the GX; in optimised mode, the battery should normally run down to the minimum battery SOC set before using the grid to supply loads in an ESS system. That should not require forcing the grid to disconnect?

The normal priority is Solar, Battery, Grid.

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