
mariusjbrt avatar image
mariusjbrt asked

Can the Solar MPPT charge controllers charge Ni-Cd batteries

Good day

I have a 12V 95AH Ni-Cd battery bank consisting of 10 1.2V cells that I want to connect to a solar panel and charge controller but I am not sure if it is a supported battery type for the Victron MPPT charge controllers.

Any advice would be appreciated

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
markus avatar image
markus answered ·

No problem in charging those Ni-Cd batteries. I had a Saft Ni-Cd block consisting of 10 1.2V cells. And this worked very well. Setting appropriate charging voltages and setting an appropriate charging current limit setting, should be done, according to batteries datasheet.

Keep in mind, that those batteries are producing quite a lot of gassing.

Charging the batteries, sounds like boiling noodles :o)

Also, recycling of those batteries is not very easy and should be done appropiately.



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