
sjhere avatar image
sjhere asked

What is the baseline temperature used to calculate amount of volatge change for temp compensation in a Smart Solar MPPT?

I have a Smart Solar 75/15, am located in the tropics and am relying on the MPPT internal temperature compensation. If ambient temp is 30 deg C and SmartSolar temp compensation setting is at 16mV/ deg C, does charging voltage drop by (16 x 5) mV ? Is the baseline temp of the MPPT 25 deg C? If not, what is the temperature.

Is above different if I use a Smart Battery Sense (ie does MPPT now use temp from SBS, calculated the same way as above to determine charging voltage?)

Thank you

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

When the MPPT internal temperature sensor is utilised for voltage compensation, the MPPT only takes a reading in the morning just before start up and then uses that same temperature for voltage compensation throughout the day.

The reason for this is that the MPPT will warm up whIle charging and consequently the temperature reading during charging will be incorrect.

The reference temperature for voltage compensation is 25°C.

If you were to integrate an external temperature source, such as a Smart Battery Sense or a BMV-712 (with temperature sensor) then the voltage compensation will be calculated in real time throughout the day.

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