
Ebrahim Railoun avatar image
Ebrahim Railoun asked

Why - 3 x Multiplus II 48V - High Peak Output Current not Equal to Input Current

System 3 x Multiplus II 3kW 48v in Parallel with 2 x 4kWH 52v Blue Nova

Purely backup systemAC Output Current 33.6 AAC Input Current 15.2 A

AC Output Power 688W

Battery -2.60 A 55.65 V

System in Float

No Warnings or Alarms

1) I need to make sense of the above.

2) Installation - Trips 40 A Output Breaker on essential loads.

3) System sometimes shuts down - Overload - when ( No mains Available )

Please Assist, Thanks Ebrahim, Cape Town, South Africa.

Multiplus-IIbattery charging
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


Those VRM graphs are per-minute, and only reporting a reading at that particular instant. And depending on the sampling time of each input, may not match, nor balance. So it's hard to relate to a breaker trip issue happening a second (or mS) later by VRM-reported values.

Alarms, either on GX or VRM, need to be set up. VRM will even email them. You may well have a breaker overload issue, but this data/alarms aren't set to show you that..

Unless your breaker is faulty, you likely have a real overload issue. Detecting it is another thing..

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