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solar-apprentice asked

Phoenix inverter: 1200W DC for 1000W AC?

Hi guys, just a newbie here so please bare with me. My 48V phoenix inverter is 1200VA model. I am running plain old 1kw AC water heater on inverter. Input side measures DC power: 21.5A* 54V = 1161W. That's like 86% efficiency. Inverter fan is running. Does inverter efficiency normally drops so low when it is working at full power?

MPPT ControllersPhoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

I'd say yes. There is document describing power loss and efficiency as a function of load.
In the document, which you can read here, the example is a MultiPlus 24/3000, which at an output power of 3000W has an efficiency of 86.5%. That's what you seeing on your inverter.

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