
Sam Salwei avatar image
Sam Salwei asked

Low VOC solar Panel with MPPT. Is there a Victron Mppt to use with a 80w panel Voltage P Max of 9.59 and VOC of 11.56?

Here is the link to the Panel Does victron have a MPPT to deal with this Panel? they system is charging is 14.4v.

Cell Type Mono
Number in Series 18
Rated Power (Pmax) 80 Watts
Voltage Pmax 9.59 Vdc
Current Imp 8.27 Amps
Voc 11.56 Vdc
Isc 8.56 Amps
Active Area Efficiency 18.00%
MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@Sam Salwei unfortunately this panel's voltage is too low to use with an MPPT; the MPPT requires vbatt+5v from the PV array to start charging a battery. Have you considered adding another panel in series to get your VOC up around ~23v?

Since your panel is generating lower voltage than your battery resting voltage, I don't believe even a PWM would do the job here, unfortunately; there are other manufacturers who make single-panel boost controllers for exactly this type of use case, but that's not Victron's generally anticipated use. You could probably cobble something together using a DC-DC converter before the MPPT to get your voltage up, but that's not a supported connection method, and then a lot of questions are raised about how the DC-DC would react when the MPPT puts a load on it... and you'd also probably end up spending more money in components trying to do that than just buying a second panel.

Long story short, I strongly advise that you get a second panel and connect it in series with your first so that you get your voltage up to a usable level.

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