
cbailoez avatar image
cbailoez asked

Peak shaving with Quattros

Is there an ability to discharge a percentage under ESS mode, if the AC input gets to 95A. Often happens when the grid returns, the start-up current exceeds 120A, tripping the mains.

Currently installed is 3x Quattro 10kVA, 30kWh and an EM24 AV5 with CT's.

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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Cbailoez

I can't help with an ESS fix, but the ac input limit can be set within each Quattro, and if the 'Overruled by remote' box is left unchecked then should remain a firm limit.

How that impinges on the performance of your downstream loads/generation may need consideration. But tripping breakers ain't fun, and now shouldn't happen..

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