
alexyates avatar image
alexyates asked

Remote MPPT Programming


I think I already know the answer but in the interest of saving a lot of driving I'm going to ask anyway.

I've got MPPT's VEDirect connected to a Colour Control GX. I can firmware them remotely and I can program the Multiplus, but is there anyway I can modify the MPPT settings, even if its command line - remotely or via VRM via the colour control?

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi Alex, The short answer is No. Not yet, sorry.

Though one day I hope. Every year brings new features and hopefully simplicity.

What are the settings that you wanted to change?

Depending on how much driving is involved, I have in the past sent someone closer to the system a loaner Bluetooth or USB dongle and talked them through the changes over the phone. The software is quite simple, and demo mode allows you to give extremely precise step by step directions.

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