
thomaskjerulff avatar image
thomaskjerulff asked

BMS 12/200 shunt location?

I need to monitor the status of charge on two Victron 150 ah Lithium batteries. Since the 12/200 BMS controls the system on the low side, where can I place a battery monitor shunt so as not to interfere with the BMS12/200 function? Most battery monitors require the shunt to be placed on the low side, negative side. BTW, unless I am mistaken, the bluetooth/victron connect app only provides voltage, no state of charge information.

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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Battery minus -> shunt -> BMS

bms12200shunt.png (166.7 KiB)
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heinzie avatar image
heinzie answered ·

I am also curious about this one:

What if i want to connect the aux output from the shunt to the starter battery in example shownieuws by Mathias?

Hence the minus from the different batteries is not interconnected like in "normal" setup, the BMV will not show any voltage output from aux? Or am i mistaken?

is there a solution for this?

Thanks in advance!

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