
hananmcgrory avatar image
hananmcgrory asked

generator autostart not triggering when low voltage conditions are met

Hi , i have had a ccgx not trigger when low voltage conditions are met.

I have never had it happen before.

It starts and connects fine on a manual start initiated from the ccgx but did not trigger on voltage.

I will check more to see if i have done something differently.

I have set up a lot of these, and never had this issue.

Has anyone ever had it be anything other than installer error, like a firmware issue.

Any thoughts appreciated.


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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @HananMcGrory

Without showing what your settings are, it's not possible to give an answer...

But...could it have to do with the 'quiet hours' settings? you can program different voltages etc. for quiet hours (and the quiet hours are also definable.

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