Imagine the following scenario. How will the BMV battery monitor react?
MPPT regulator absorption setting: 28,70V
MPPT regulator float setting: 28,20V
MPPT fixed absorption time: 1 hour
BMV charged voltage: 28,50V
BMV tail current: 2%
Detection time: 3 minutes
After one hour absorption time at 28,70V, the MPPT switches to float. Since a lithium battery has almost the same voltage as the charge voltage, the charge current drops to zero and reminds at zero for several hours.
Which of the following scenarios will the BMV do??:
1. Syncronize after 3 minutes because the voltage is above 28,50V and the charge current is zero, hence less than 2% of battery capasity
(this is what I hope will happen)
2. Not syncronize because the charge current has to be more than zero in order to syncronize
3. Not syncronize because the voltage is not exactly 28,50V
4. Syncronize after 3 minutes, but then keep on syncronizing several times until the voltage has dropped down to 28,50V